RSS Application: Monitoring Media

One of the best ways to keep track of the trends is to monitor media. Current Awareness tools (as they are often called) provide you a means of tracking what is going on in the web and staying current about your customers, partners and competitors. My company iMorph, has a product called InfoMinder which allows you to track changes on the web and RSS feeds. So when I found a link to A Guide To Media Monitoring With RSS, I was happy to spend some time looking at Josh Hallet’s suggestions.

On average I find that news and issues discussed in the blogosphere is at least 1-2 days ahead of the major media. In public relations, that one or two days can make a big difference.

In this comprehensive post, Josh has several suggestions about using RSS readers and social bookmarking tools including technorati, pub-sub, Definitely a good resource if you are interested in tracking information on the web.

Found this via Weblogs Work

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